Tuesday, August 5, 2014

In the garden, wearing what????

I recently read a newspaper columnist who admitted that she often gardens early in the morning, wearing her pajamas.  Oh no . . . that isn't . . . she shouldn't be . . .
oh dear . . .

The very next morning,  I stepped out on the deck in my pajamas just to check the rain gauge.  That's when I noticed that the fish wanted some kibbles.  The little fish barrel is just a few steps away from the deck so it was OK to feed them before I got dressed.  Then I noticed that the bird feeder was empty.  The bird feeder is very close to the fish barrel so it was no problem to take a few more steps in my pajamas so the birds would have some fresh seed.  By this time, I was far enough into the yard to notice that there were a few red tomatoes in the vegetable garden.  I figured that I better pick them before the birds got to them.   I was no where near the back door while I was picking tomatoes.  By this time, I had been gardening in my pajamas for almost 20 minutes.

So, if you see me out in my garden early in the morning and I am not appropriately dressed, please don't wave or speak, just pretend that you don't know that crazy woman in the garden in her pajamas. 

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