Wednesday, March 19, 2014

One woman's trash

A few years ago, my daughter bought her first home.  It is an adorable little house in an older section of town.  It was landscaped with random shrubs that had been overrun by privet around the foundation.  She didn't enjoy the shrubs and begged me to help her pull them out, which, as a good Mom, I did.  I kept a few of them, and potted up others to share with friends. 

One of the shrubs I saved for myself is a white spirea.   It has been in my yard for three years and is just now beginning to recover from the replanting process.   Because it blooms before it leafs out, the visual effect is flowers that seem to be freely blowing in the breeze--we don't notice the branches they are growing on.  

The other day I pointed it out to her.  She remarked how pretty it looked--then I told her it was one of the shrubs she didn't want. 

By the way, my daughter has been working on re-landscaping her yard to her own tastes and is doing a great job.

1 comment:

  1. I love spirea. my parents had a hedge of it in their yard.
