Sunday, March 9, 2014

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

There are those who are dedicated to keeping a golf-course like lawn and I would never criticize anyone who is willing to work hard to maintain a lawn that they love.  However, there is another perspective on the green spaces that we mow and this season of the year demonstrates it vividly.

These days, as we are all eagerly watching for the signs of spring, the well-kept lawns are brown and crunchy looking.  Those who are more relaxed in their lawn philosophy are enjoying the abundance of spring wild flowers that thrive in a lawn-like environment. 

This one is not my lawn.
One of my favorite spring wild flowers (but in my garden is recognized as an irritating weed) is henbit.  I love seeing the masses of green and purple spreading across my spring lawn.  They are much prettier to me than bland and crunchy dormant grass.


  1. Brenda... I have this every where as well. I know it's just a weed but I too enjoy seeing blooms anywhere that they dare to open.

  2. I've always loved these little flowers, but never knew what they were.
