Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Frost watch!

The forecast for central Alabama this evening is for a low in the upper 30s.  It is a little early for a frost but with a forecast this close to freezing I must think about my plants.   There is no question that the tropicals must come indoors--they become unhappy at temperatures below 40 degrees.

The challenge is for my annuals and tender perennials.  I know this cold snap is just temporary, the weather will warm up and stay moderate for weeks to come.  If we have a frost tonight, I will lose flower beds, a couple of tomato plants, and some lovely containers that would otherwise live for at least several more weeks.

I have two real options.  One is to cover as much as possible with sheets, tablecloths, and blankets.  This option works but any foliage that touches the fabric will probably receive some frost damage anyway.

The option I am choosing is to water everything well this morning.  This will give the plant a chance to be at optimum strength to withstand some frost.  There will still have some foliar damage, but the plants will have a fighting chance. 

It is also pretty breezy today.  If the breeze continues through the night, the wind will offer some protection from the frost as well.

Good luck to all my gardens and gardening friends.

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