Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow helps

In the ten winters that I have used my cold frame, I have only had to bring the plants indoors twice because the outdoor temperatures became too cold for it to maintain the interior temperature--both times have been within the last month!  I surrendered to the freezing cold once again this morning and have brought all the plants from the cold frame into the house. 

As I write, it has been snowing for 1 1/2 hours and we have approximately an inch of snow on the ground.  The snow helps insulate the outdoor plants so this round of cold air will not be as hard on my gardens as the "Polar Vortex" was a few weeks ago.

The cold "beat me" to my pipes--my outdoor faucets were both already frozen when I tried to open them.  

I'll take "snow" pictures for the blog later.

Stay warm, summer is coming.

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