Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year's Resolution

I'm not very good with house plants.  My usual method of care is to leave them outside all summer, bring them in when it gets too cold outside for them, and then hope they survive until next spring.   The problem is me; I just forget to water them until I notice that they are gasping for a tiny drop of water. 

So, in honor of a new year, I am committing to monitor and water my house plants on a regular basis.   I've chosen Sunday mornings to check the moisture level of all of my plants and give them a nice drink of refreshing water whenever they need it.

A few years back, I bought this little gadget at a yard sale for 50 cents.  I can stick it down into the soil of a container and measure the moisture content of the soil.  This takes all the mystery away from whether a plant needs to be watered and even gives me an idea of how much water I need to apply.  This year I will actually use it!

Happy New Year to my poor plants.  I hope your plants will be happy this year too.

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