Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What is wrong with this picture?

This is my flower "bed."  I've enjoyed planting this "punny" bed for about 10 years, but it has never looked quite "right" to me.   This summer the problem has finally penetrated my brain.  My flower bed looks "unmade."   Although I have brightly colored plants, I haven't "made" the bed correctly.  In this case,  "making the bed" means landscaping, and what I have here is a mismatched hodge podge of heights that is confusing to the eye, and down right messy, just like an "unmade" bed. 

Now that I know what's wrong, I need to figure out how to "make it up" for next spring.   Should I put the tall plants in the center, so that as we walk around the bed, it appears balanced from all sides?  Should I place the taller plants on the far side as I view the bed from the house?  Or, should the taller plants be placed along the headboard, just as taller pillows are placed at the head of a "real" bed?  Any "decorators" with opinions?


  1. i like your idea of tall plants in the center and then working out from there. and zinnias. Lots of zinnias.

  2. Yes, love the zinnias and dahlias too. A friend on FB suggested a "dust ruffle" so I've already sprigged creeping jenny all around the edges. Hopefully it will be all filled out for next summer.
