Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mini water garden

This little garden is one of several "mini" gardens that gives me joy within my landscape.   The tub was a gift from my children one year for Mothers Day and the tall umbrella plant is a cutting from my Mom's umbrella plant in Minnesota.   Each morning, my three goldfish are waiting for their breakfast as soon as I step out my back door. 

There is something soothing about water features in my backyard.  I have a "larger" pond and five bowls that I keep filled with water.  The birds and butterflies love them. 

I don't have standing water in my garden--I refuse to become a mosquito breeder.  The bowls are rinsed out regularly and the pond and water garden have comet goldfish, for whom mosquito larvae taste like candy.


  1. I understand what you mean about something soothing in the water features. I think it’s the same reason why there are many people who find staring at the waves in the sea peaceful, or even watching a heavy rainfall. They water symbolizes life, and I guess that’s why it’s the element some people love to look at when they reflect about theirs. Anyway, it’s a good thing you have that feature in your garden. Water is a totally perfect component to carry out the tranquility in your very own sanctuary. Have a beautiful day!

    Gwendolyn Reyes @ Tapestry, NJ
