Sunday, November 5, 2017

Homage to royalty

While choosing flowers to make a bouquet for my daughter, I noticed that there was a cluster of late-blooming purple cone flowers in the back corner of the garden.  I headed over to cut them to mix in with the red roses, ivy, and diamond frost. 

Suddenly, a large brown butterfly flew over my shoulder to land on the blossoms.  Much to my amazement, I realized that it was a monarch butterfly!  I haven't seen a monarch in my backyard in many years.  I immediately ran back into the house for my camera, praying that his (or her) royal highness would wait for me to return.

Not only did she (he) wait, but she posed long enough for me to take some lovely photographs.  I continued to watch her as she tasted several flowers in my backyard before flying on.

There was no way I was going to cut those cone flowers after such a royal visitation.  The bouquet will look just fine without them.

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