Sunday, October 22, 2017

Starting over

Losing my massive silver maple tree in June was stressful to my gardener's heart.  I think I actually went through a grieving process.  My sadness was profound enough that for the first few weeks, I could not even bring myself to stroll through that part of the garden.

New beginnings
Finally, as summer drew to a close, I knew it was time to begin anew in those beds around the tree stump.  Much to my surprise, there were many plants that had recovered well from the shock of the tree removal and were actually thriving in their new sun-filled environment.  Seeing those happy, healthy plants gave me the impetus I needed to begin again.

Of course, the first order of business had to be the removal of weeds and small trees that had joined the garden in an opportunistic frenzy.  I added some swamp sun flowers that a friend had shared with me, they are going to be VERY happy in that sunny spot.  Two other friends shared rooted shrubbery from their gardens which are now nestled at the base of the old tree stump.
Original shade garden

It still isn't beautiful, but I can envision a future in that space now.  It feels good to start over.

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