Monday, November 21, 2016

We've got RED

I read in the news that the fall colors are muted this year because of the drought.  While this may be true in other places, my red maple tree was not informed of this fact.  This tree in my backyard is putting on the best show of red I've ever seen in my backyard.  The leaves are a deep, true red, and are holding their even after dropping.  Every day I take new photos, thinking, "the color is peaking today" only to discover it looks even better the next day.  Here of some of my favorite photos . . . so far.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. My own Japanese maple looks gorgeous this year as well even though the weatherman said the colors would be dull.

    This is why I never listen to the weatherman concerning color. I also don't pay any attention to the planting zones. I simply plant what my friends have told me has worked for them. So far I've had very good luck and if I do lose something it is the result of my own neglect.

    I do they close attention to what the temperature is going to be like. And if the temp is going to be too low for something then I carefully cover anything I think is going to suffer.
