We discuss and utilize all sorts of methods to facilitate the process. We clean the trays with soap and water to minimize the chance of infection. We carefully choose a medium in which to plant the seeds; some folks purchase specially formulated soiless mixes while others (myself included) use the best aged compost. We carefully warm the soil, keep the water saturation at the perfect level and cover the seeds with damp paper towels to keep them from accidentally drying out. I even create a chart so I know exactly how many seeds of which varieties are in each cell.
Everyday, I carefully monitor temperature and moisture, patiently (or impatiently) waiting for each tiny plant to sprout.
The truth of the matter is that very little of what I do has anything to do with successful germination. Germination is a miraculous process that God created for the propagation of plants. Nothing I do actually makes the seeds germinate or causes the plants to grow.
Gardening is participating with God in the act of creation and germinating seeds for my garden becomes the privilege of watching the miracle of creation unfold.
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